Frequently Asked Questions on Our San Diego Sailing


Frequently Asked Questions on Our San Diego Sailing

Q: How long are the "America's Cup Experience" public boat rides and Sunset Sails?

A: The entire outing usually takes about 2 ½ hours. If you have a large group, you may wish to consider reserving a boat for a half day (four hours) of sailing.

Q: Is sailing in the Bay likely to make me seasick? I'd really hate to have to HONK on such a nice boat.

A: The boats are big and stable, so the ride is generally very smooth. But, if you're susceptible to motion sickness, be sure to take the necessary precautions. Be sure to ask about our "No SeaSickness Guarantee."

Q: Do passengers really get the chance to steer the America's Cup yachts or grind the winches?

A: Call us crazy.but yes it's true.

Q: If my race team aboard one of the America's Cup yachts is kicking the dung out of my boss's team on the other yacht, would your crew help us throw the race so we don't get canned?

A: Sorry. Once the game is on, our guys sail to win. There's bound to be some bruised egos along the way.

Q: I noticed that a couple can arrange to have a wedding on the yacht AMERICA. Do you guys also offer divorces at sea?

A: Not at this time. But if we get enough requests, we might consider looking into it.

Q: Are we allowed to feed the whales when we're out whale watching?

A: Only if you're planning to bring a few thousand pounds of krill or amphipods.

Q: What if I fall overboard?

A: You'll definitely get wet. It may take us a few minutes to turn the yacht around and come get you. Do your best to stay on the boat.

Q: What is your policy on SMOKING aboard your boats? I have cigars that are big enough to last the entire excursion.

A: Our fire extinguisher is mightier than any cigar, and our crew members are not afraid to use it to enforce our no smoking policy.

Q: If I bring a surfboard on a sailing excursion or Sunset Sail aboard AMERICA, could you guys drop me off at one of the surf breaks off of Point Loma, then swing by and pick me up on your way back in?

A: Nice try.

Q: What are the seating arrangements on the boat? Chaise lounges? Hammocks or what?

A: This is not a Princess's high-performance sailing. Simply find a dry spot around the perimeter of the deck and hold on. Beware of the boom.

Q: Do I have to stay in the same place for the duration of the ride, or can I get up and move around?

A: That depends on how well you behave yourself.

Q: Is there a restroom on the boat, or do I just grab a lifeline and hang out over the water?

A: The restroom facility on board is very basic. We recommend that all passengers use the dockside restrooms prior to boarding.

Q: Are life jackets provided on the boat? Will I have my choice of colors and styles?

A: The Coast Guard requires us to keep life jackets on board. If you have an opportunity to wear one, you'll probably be in water up to your neck and nobody will notice if it matches your shoes.

Q: Are snacks and beverages available on the boat, or are there drive-thru fast food restaurants out in the middle of the bay?

A: If the wind is up, all food and snacks aboard the boat can be re-classified as "fast food." We provide complimentary bottled water and soft drinks. You are also welcome to BYOB and brown bag lunches.

Q: What sights and points of interest can I expect to see on the boat ride?

A: Point Loma lighthouse. Downtown skyline. The Star of India. Sea lions on the marker buoys. Coronado Bridge. Other beautiful boats. Stuff like that.

Q: Can I bring my fishing pole and troll as we go?

A: No. But if you insist on trolling, you can hold on to one of the stern lines and we can try to attract some local sharks.

Q: If I do something really dumb while we're out cruising, are you guys going to tell my spouse or my mom?

A: Yes. Both.

Q: Where is the crow's nest, and how do I get up there?

A: It's eleven stories up the mast and there is no elevator.

Q: What are the odds of being side-swiped by a nuclear submarine out in the Bay?

A: That depends on how effectively we deploy our depth charges.

Q: Out there in the harbor's channel, who would have the right of way, your IACC yacht, or an aircraft carrier?

A: Take a wild guess.

Q: Whatever became of the Skipper who was in charge of the Exxon Valdez? He doesn't work for you, does he?

A: Last we heard, he was working for one of the airlines.

Q: What about pirates?

A: Bring 'em on. We're not afraid of any stinking pirates.